Baroque V Rococo Oversimplified

Ok, so, not everyone will want to be able to distinguish differences between Baroque & Rococo Architecture & Interior Design, but it is important to be able to recognise the differences as the similarities between the two styles often cause confusion. Let’s jump in & oversimplify it down to some bullet points.

Baroque 1600-1705
Heavily detailed. Gold frames & gilding. Large mirrors. Bold. Serious & sombre. Symmetrical. Dramatic paintings. Large chandeliers & candelabras. Check out the Hall of mirrors in the Palace of Versailles for one of the grandest Baroque examples ever completed.

Rococo – 1730-1770
Lighter spaces. Pastel colour palette. Less use of gold. Lots of white. Natural motifs. Asymmetry. Elegance & fantasy themes. Mythology & romantic paintings. Delicate furniture. Portraiture.

Check out the Ottobeuren Abbey in Germany for a taste of Rococo design.


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